Balch updates the Committee on the status of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom newsletter, financial matters, and the League's goals, seeking opinions. Balch quotes from several incoming letters on these issues.
Balch is dismayed that Daugarrd has cut back her peace work, but hopes she will promote the work of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in her writing. .
Perlen and the German Section ask the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to raise a protest against the world blockade of the Soviet Union.
Hull drafts a letter she plans to send to Gertrude Smith in reply to her criticism of the planning of the International Congress to correct her misconceptions.
Willis updates Addams on British plans for the International Women's Congress and their request to President Wilson to include women in the Peace Conference.
Addams's draft of a letter she plans to send Jacobs which details several possible plans for the upcoming peace conference and asks her, along with each member of the International Board, to pick which one is best.
Addams sends Jacobs a finalized list of the plans for the Official Peace Conference and asks her to pick which she prefers. She also asks her to notify all national sections once a plan has been agreed upon by the executive board members.
Addams sends Jacobs the results of voting on the time and place of the International Congress of Women and discusses plans for women to be in Paris for the Peace
Addams sends Jacobs the results of voting on the time and place of the International Congress of Women and discusses plans for women to be in Paris for the Peace Conference.