Addams gave this speech at the Woman's Constructive Peace Conference in Washington, D.C., on the reasons why women need to become more active in politics and the peace movement.
Royden writes Addams expressing her interest in the Woman's Peace Party and the conference held in Washington, D.C. She informs Addams of the upcoming meeting of the National Union, who will be discussing resolutions about war and peace.
Baller congratulates Addams on being selected to be one of the Chicago Delegates, provides religious views on the war, and blesses Addams on her journey to The Hague.
Funk reports on a meeting that Rosika Schwimmer spoke at, criticizing her bitterness toward the American people and a disagreement they had over whether the upcoming conference would held end the war.
Balch tells Park that she thinks that requiring a peace a pledge of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom members might not be a good strategy.
Balch tells the Kaskia Chapter that Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's position ion disarmament has been misrepresented and hopes that even if they disagree, they are both working for the nation's best interests.
Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, March 1922Also known as Emily Greene Balch to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee and Consultative Members, March 1922
Balch updates members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive regarding getting women appointed on commissions of the League of Nations.