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  • Subject is exactly "war, opposition to"

An issue of Unity that features articles on the settlement of international disputes, labor in Italy and Germany, and book reviews.

Newspaper excerpt of Addams' speech at the Ethical Culture Society, criticizing the buildup of armaments.
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Addams gave this speech at the Woman's Constructive Peace Conference in Washington, D.C., on the reasons why women need to become more active in politics and the peace movement.

Royden writes Addams expressing her interest in the Woman's Peace Party and the conference held in Washington, D.C. She informs Addams of the upcoming meeting of the National Union, who will be discussing resolutions about war and peace.

Baller congratulates Addams on being selected to be one of the Chicago Delegates, provides religious views on the war, and blesses Addams on her journey to The Hague.

Spencer tells Addams about recent confrerence and her sister's medical condition.

An anonymous mother thanks Addams for the work she has done for the peace movement thus far, and expresses her opinions regarding the war in Europe.

Funk reports on a meeting that Rosika Schwimmer spoke at, criticizing her bitterness toward the American people and a disagreement they had over whether the upcoming conference would held end the war.

La Follete writes Kent regarding the Woman's Peace Party platform in regards to neutrality.

Rexford read an article about the peace meeting at The Hague and wants to help Addams.

Catt explains the international issues that she has encountered in trying to organize an international peace meeting.

Catt apologizes to Addams because she did not know that there was another conference planned in Washington, D.C and it has caused confusion.
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Courtney discusses Addams's book, her health, and an anti-war book she read.

Dennis asks Addams for help in submitting intelligent peace plans for the Bok Prize.

Logan discusses the economic effects of war, and suggests that international trade could be levered in the cause of peace.

McQueen suggests an appeal be sent to Wilson to offer an alternative to declaring war and show the views of the peace advocates.

McQueen advises Wilson to leave the decision of war up to the people through a referendum.

Karsten informs Campen of an upcoming anti-war meeting.

Karsten replies to Hounsell request for information about the introduction of military drill into high schools.

Moore tells Courtney her views on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's acceptance of many kinds of pacifists.

Moore asks Kellogg his opinion of a plan for a world disarmament referendum.

Balch sends Addams a translation of a peace appeal to be published in Frankfort and hopefully in other cities.

Balch tells Park that she thinks that requiring a peace a pledge of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom members might not be a good strategy.

Balch tells the Kaskia Chapter that Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's position ion disarmament has been misrepresented and hopes that even if they disagree, they are both working for the nation's best interests.

Also known as Emily Greene Balch to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee and Consultative Members, March 1922

Balch updates members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive regarding getting women appointed on commissions of the League of Nations.