25 results

  • Subject is exactly "social welfare"
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Addams discusses the problems that charity workers face when they bring middle-class assumptions about the poor to their efforts to practically help them.

Addams thanks Roosevelt for the tremendous impetus his run has given social reform and hopes to see him in New York.
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Addams discusses the economic, social, and human toll of unemployment and suggests some creative solutions being employed in England.
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Addams discusses the economic, social, and human toll of unemployment and offers some creative solutions to the problem being employed in England. This is the ninth article of a monthly, year-long series on economic and social reform in America and women's roles in affecting change.
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Addams' speech to the National Federation of Settlements on the impact of poverty, reprinted in shortened form in the conference proceedings.
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Addams discusses the Funds to Parents Act, which provides charitable support for impoverished children.
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Addams' speaks on the impact of poverty at the National Federation of Settlements in Pittsburgh.

Report tells the importance of sickness insurance in social welfare programs.
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Addams expresses why the time is now that women should be able to vote, with in regards to the social power women have which can be used for political power.
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Addams spoke to the City Club about the unemployment crisis, explaining the role of Hull-House in providing space for public debate on the issue.

Hamlin asks Addams whether the Woman's Peace Party can Mexico by sending clothing and food.

Addams summarizes Woodrow Wilson's achievements and argues that social workers support his reelection.
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Addams discusses Julia Lathrop's presentation at the National Conference of Social Work in Kansas City.

Addams discusses the relationship between immigrants and social unrest. This speech was given at the National Conference of Social Work in New Orleans.

Addams discusses the relationship between immigrants and social unrest. This speech was given at the National Conference on Social Work in New Orleans.

Also known as The German Red Cross in the Present and Future, November 1920

The German Red Cross provides information about its recent work.

Kellogg asks Addams to donate a statement to a Survey symposium on bettering society.

Carlyle tells Ireland about the American Service Committee's work in Mexico City.

A pamphlet advertising an edited collection of articles about establishing welfare departments in industry.

The Bureau reports on industrial accidents in New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin.

Kelley asks Addams to support a National Association for Old Age Pensions and tells of her activities.

Addams tells Kelley that she is happy to work on old age pensions.

An article compares symbols of the success and failure of modern civilization.