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  • Subject is exactly "peace movement, international"

Also known as The Peace Movement (1921)

An advertisement for a book on the Peace Movement edited by Kurt Lenz and Walter Fabian.

Odell updates Addams on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section plans regarding the Washington Naval Conference.

Marshall asks Addams to serves as WILP representative to the International Committee for Relief in Russia and updates her on activities in Europe.

Marshall argues that disarmament will reduce military spending and urges delegates to the Washington Conference to work towards peace

Marshall sends Ishii a proposal on the Silesian question drafted by the German women of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for the League of Nations.

Marshall explains the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's role in relief efforts, asking to be allowed to participate in the Conference on Russian Relief and to help spread word about the appeal for help.

Levinson sends Addams materials on a planned peace congress.

Levinson summarizes his and Knox's plans to outlaw war.

Levinson asks Addams to ask the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to endorse the Knox plan for outlawing war at its upcoming conference.

McDonald sends Addams a letter he received from Lady Mary Murray.

McDonald asks Addams to help him raise funds to keep the League from shutting down.

Hertzka asks Addams to assist Karl Beth with peace work during his trip to the United States.

Balch sends Addams a report on the recent activities of the League of Nations.

Balch congratulates Wilson on his efforts to build the League of Nations and tells him of her impressions at the Assembly.

Balch updates Addams on a variety of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom plans and seeks her opinion.

McDonald tells Addams that he failed to secure a British economist to speak in the United States, but proposes an American conference.

Addams invites Baker to testify before the American Commission on Conditions in Ireland.

Montgomery asks Addams to join the Armenia American Society to help the cause of Armenian independence.

Hascroft writes Addams with information about the situation in Ireland and asks her to send word of when members of sub-Committee will be coming to England.

Winsor asks Addams for information on the arrival of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's English Section delegates and invites Addams to a meeting on the Irish civil war.

Merriman tells Garfield that the League of Free Nations Association will discuss her ideas at its next meeting.