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  • Subject is exactly "antiradicalism"

Addams defends Gertrud Baer after she was detained by immigration.

Report about Gertrude Baer's brief detention by American immigration officials and Addams's role in securing her release.

Heyman asks Addams to confirm rumors that Gertrud Baer was arrested on arrival in the United States and expresses her concerns.

Balch sends Marshall her concerns about peace delegates being admitted to the United States if they have communist ties.

Hart tells the ACLU that the prisoners that they asked to be released have refused parole until other prisoners were freed.

Addams tells Pinchot that she will send his letter to the American Civil Liberties Union to answer his questions about clemency.

Addams sends Woods a clipping about patriotic oaths and suggests that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section might want to protest it.

Ralston advises Addams on the likelihood of disturbance when the Pax Special reaches Cincinnati, quoting from Alfred Bettman's telegram.

Addams addresses the objections of the American Legion to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Summer School, denying their charges that the peace movement is led by Communists.

Catt tells Addams about the possibility of an investigation of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for Russian ties by Congress, provides information about a similar investigation of the Women's Joint Congressional Committee, and mentions that the accusations are funded by militarists.

Resolution passed by the Women's Overseas Service League condemns the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and pledges to work against its purposes.

Bushea tells Addams why the Women's Council for Prevention of War decided to drop the visit of the Pax Special because of the opposition of the Chamber of Commerce and the Americal Legion.

Addams thanks Catt for her letter about the McLeod resolution but believes that it has come to a showdown.

Addams telegrams Balch that she is shocked that the National Council of Women seems swayed against the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom by newspaper attacks.

Balch sends Knapp information refuting the criticism that the Women's Overseas League has laid against the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Balch tells Lewis that the attacks on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom made by the Women's Oversea Service League are incorrect and send her a statement (not found) about it.

Also known as Emily Greene Balch to Associated Industries of Kentucky, October 27, 1924

Balch sends a statement to the Associated Industries of New York to refute articles published that attacked the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. A similar letter was sent to the Kentucky group.

Everett attacks the Child Labor Amendment as un-American, dangerous, and radical and associates the movement with Bolsheviks.

Balch tells Powell that the American Legion's attacks on the patriotism of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom are misinformed.

Balch tells Dunn that the Veterans of Foreign Wars attacks on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom were based on misinformation.

Balch warns Welsh that his comments about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom are false and libelous. The letter was drafted on October 31 and may have been sent on November 9.

Addams writes Hull about the relationship between the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section and the National Council of Woman and other women's groups.

Addams tells Catt that the attacks against the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom have been answered by Emily Balch and the World, and that she does not take them seriously.

Elliott corrects the reporting in the Herald regarding the International Congress of Women and Jane Addams.

Elliott sends Addams a protest she wrote to the editor of the the Boston Herald over the attacks by the Daughters of the American Revolution.