10 results

  • Subject is exactly "World War I, debts from"

Woods reports to Lewis about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting and plans for a December conference.

Marshall tells Glücklich about efforts to hold an international women's congress in collaboration with other women's groups and discusses the possibility of having a peace delegation meet with Mussolini and the Pope.

Balch tells Hughes the circumstance of her making an erroneous statement about Austrian war debts.

Balch updates Addams on her plans and the question of Austrian credit for war debts.

Balch writes Addams regarding forgiveness for Austrian war debts.

Balch proposes that the United States loan France funds funds on the provision that it give up its occupation of the Rhineland.

Addams reports that she was not able to meet with government officials and that she will not intervene in reparations discussions.

Addams announces that she is meeting with world leaders to urge them to settle the reparations problem immediately.

An editorial complaining that German women are bearing the brunt of the Versailles treaty, and questioning the belief that Germany was responsible for the outbreak of the war.

A draft of a statement to be sent to the Genoa Economic and Finance Conference about how to avoid another world war and start European recovery.