115 results

  • Subject is exactly "Addams, Jane, writings, Peace and Bread in Time of War"

Chenery reviews Addams's Peace and Bread in Time of War.

Jacobs thanks Addams for sending her Peace and Bread in Time of War and praises her abilities.

Dewey thanks Addams for Peace and Bread in Time of War and hopes to see her soon.

Robson thanks Addams for sending Peace and Bread in Time of War and promises her and her sister's support.

Salomon praises Addams for Peace and Bread in Time of War and reflects on the isolation of pacifists during World War I.

Post writes to Addams to thank her for sending a copy of Peace and Bread in Time of War and suggests some minor corrections.

Pond thanks Addams for sending a copy of Peace and Bread in Time of War.

Spencer praises Addams's book Peace and Bread in Time of War and hopes to see her in New York to discuss things.

Haldeman tells Addams about her trip to Cedarville, and reacts to Peace and Bread in Times of War.

Haldeman-Julius sends Addams some writings and tells of her family life.

Lobdell praises Addams' Peace and Bread in Time of War.
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The Kelloggs discusses the publication plans for Peace and Bread in Times of War and how it impacts publishing articles in the Survey..

Garfield thanks Addams for Peace and Bread in Time of War and discusses the causes of World War I.
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Courtney discusses Addams's book, her health, and an anti-war book she read.

Merriam thanks Addams for Peace and Bread in Time of War and hopes to talk with her about it.

Anderson thanks Addams for sending Peace and Bread in Time of War, praising its content.

Landsberg thanks Addams for Peace and Bread in Time of War and praises her work.

Kellogg offers suggestions on Addams Peace and Bread in Times of War manuscript.

Jordan applauds Addams's book Peace and Bread in Time of War.

Jordan asks Addams to send a copy of Peace and Bread in Time of War to Theodore Ruyssen for review.

Marsh asks Addams to let him know if she will have a book manuscript shortly.

Bok thanks Addams for Peace and Bread in Time of War, claiming her words on Wilson were heartrending to his friends.
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Balch drafts Grethlein & Co, regarding the posisbility of Addams doing a memoir.

Balch tells Addams how Peace and Bread in Time of War impacted her.

Balch updates Addams on events at Women's International League for Peace and Freedom headquarters and sends a letter regarding the situation in Budapest (not found).