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  • Subject is exactly "Addams, Jane, views on politics"

Also known as Address to the Detroit Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, October 20, 1924 (excerpt)

In two Detroit speeches, Addams praises the candidacy of Robert La Follette for the presidency and offers impressions from her world trip.

Also known as Address to the Hull-House Woman's Club, September 16, 1903 (excerpt)

Addams suggests sending peacemakers rather than warships to Turkey.

Also known as Address to the Hull-House Woman's Club, September 16, 1903 (excerpts)

Addams suggests sending peacemakers rather than warships to Turkey.
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Addams talks about the settlement as a bulwark against anti-immigrant persecution, using examples of Russian anarchists.

Addams offers rationales for woman suffrage at Carnegie Hall.

Penfield reminds Addams about his request to answer questions about the upcoming election for an article he is publishing.

Addams speaks about suffrage and how it will change politics in America.

Taylor and Addams discuss the arrest of Abraham Isaak.
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Testimony of Addams and Anna Shaw before a Congressional Committee on Rules regarding woman's suffrage.

Addams and other supporters of Theodore Roosvelt's 1912 presidential campaign endorse Robert La Follette for president.

Hooker asks advice on whether the Suffrage League of Maryland should support the new Progressive Party or the Democratic Party, which is so strong in the state.

Addams endorses Robert La Follette Jr. for election to the United States Senate.

Addams argues that William Kent's track record in Chicago makes him an able candidate for the Senate.
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Addams endorse Woodrow Wilson in the 1916 election because of his track record of respect for providing individuals with opportunity.

Addams speaks on women's roles in peace and internationalism at a public meeting "Next Steps Toward World Peace," held in Geneva on the eve of the opening of the League of Nations General Assembly. It was opened by William Rappard and featured remarks by Addams, Hilda Clark, and Lucie Desjardins.
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Addams speaks to the National Civil Service Reform League's annual meeting about the issues with the merit system in civil service.

Addams discusses suffrage and social work in Asia. This speech was given at the National Conference of Social Work in Toronto.

Addams talks with a Kansas City Star reporter about increased political participation, recreation in cities and her work as garbage collector in Chicago.

Addams tells reporters that people seem more interested in politics this year.
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Addams argues the point that women need the right to vote in all national affairs to force the issue of peace, and to help prevent future wars from happening.
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Addams praises President Wilson on accomplishing many of the goals of the Progressive Party during his first term.

Addams endorses Harriet Vittum, who campaigned for the Board of Aldermans in the Seventeenth ward of Chicago.