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  • Subject is exactly "Addams, Jane, public opinion"

Moody thanks Addams for her letter and remarks how much her praise of his poem, "On the Soldier Fallen in the Philippines," means to him.

Ely explains to Addams that he will write a series of articles for Harper's Weekly and describes an idea to her for his next article.

Nitchie congratulates Addams on Democracy and Social Ethics.

Starr offers support in the face of press criticisms that Hull-House is too liberal in its support for freedom of thought and speech.

Markham offers his congratulations to Addams in light of the "ill doings of a certain Chicago editor," and praises her work.

Roosevelt praises Addams' demeanor and wishes her well with her task.

Gleason discusses a dinner he had with Jane Addams in a letter to his mother.

Newspaper clipping discusses Benjamin Lindsey's refusal of Rockefeller money for juvenile protection.

Addams writes to Lindsey expressing concern at the body of a newspaper clipping.

Addams explains the distribution of a circular with regards to protection to working women.

Keeley writes Adams to refute charges printed in the Chicago Examiner that he called her a "freak and monomaniac."

O'Connor writes in praise of Addams for taking a stand against the persecutions of Italians as anarchists.

Pinkett praises Addams' defense of immigrants in her article in Charities and Commons and relates the persecution of immigrants to that of African-Americans.

Linn praises Addams' Charities and the Commons article and her work in Chicago.

Culver tells Addams she will distribute the Charities and the Commons article so more people will read it.

Amidon writes Bruce to praise Jane Addams and report that she is well loved.

Burritt writes Addams for advice about drawing a connection between immigrant women and the suffrage movement and compliments her onĀ Newer Ideals of Peace.

Page writes Addams to encourage her to write an autobiography or to allow someone to write a biography about her, as her life and work would be of interest to large audience.

Page asks Addams if he can visit her in Chicago to persuade her to write an autobiography.

Wilmarth praises Addams' autobiography and offers personal reflections on her own life.

Kellogg sends a list of authors and subjects for a book and includes Addams' article "Charity and Social Justice."

Sachs thanks Addams profusely for sending him a copy of Twenty Years at the Hull House.

Ferguson writes Addams to confide his previous aversion to her conclusions about alcohol and to tell her that reading Twenty Years at Hull-House has changed his opinion about her work. He also asks her to consider devoting her careful attention to the case for Prohibition.

An unknown correspondent writes Addams in solidarity against an effort to exclude child actors from the Illinois Child Labor Law.

On behalf of the parents of 25,000-30,000 cadets in the United States, Nelson takes acception to Addam's derogatory use of the word "cadet" in her article in McClure's.