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  • Creator is exactly "Taylor, Graham"

Taylor, Addams, and Henderson endorse Charles B. Ball for Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at the Library of Congress.

Taylor discusses finances and plans for summer camps for Hull-House boys and girls.

Taylor describes the aftermath following the death of Katherine Schofield, a resident at Chicago Commons.

Taylor details the financial happenings and successful Christmas party in the Chicago Commons, as well as future plans for renovation.

Taylor reminds Addams about the introduction for his forthcoming book, which she promised to write.

Taylor sends Addams the minutes from a meeting of the trustees of the Chicago Commons Association, which she missed.

Taylor sends Addams the forward he has written for his new book, for which Addams has written an introduction.

Taylor praises Addams and encloses the text of an article he wrote on her for the Chicago Daily News.

Taylor asks Addams to write an introduction to his book, a collection of essays published in the Survey.

Taylor congratulates Addams on her courageous decision to support Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Party.

Taylor congratulates Addams and Theodore Roosevelt for the cause for women's suffrage.

Taylor informs Addams of the deaths of two former residents of the Chicago Commons and asks her to attend a memorial.

Taylor writes Addams about his organization's May Festival and Civic Welfare Exhibit.

Taylor urges Addams to write to Arthur Kellogg about writing for The Survey and discusses her upcoming articles for the publication.

Taylor laments the absence of several members at the recent meeting of the Chicago Commons' Board of Trustees and proposes an idea to have just two meetings each year.

Taylor asks Addams to be present at an upcoming meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Commons Association.

Taylor thanks Addams for gathering subscriptions for Chicago Commons after the death of Mary Matz.

Taylor writes Addams about the increased workload for the Survey.

The American Association for Labor Legislation prepared this form letter to gather support in Illinois for limiting work for women to 60 hours per week.

Addams, McDowell, and Taylor invite the Residents of South End House to a meeting of settlement workers in advance of the National Conference of Charities and Correction meeting in St. Louis.

Addams and others write an appeal to be sent to prominent Chicagoans for the support of the National Child Labor Committee.

Writing on behalf of the National Child Labor Committee, Addams and others court financial support from public-spirited citizens in Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia.