Swanwick tells Addams that she cannot write the pamphlet Addams asked, because she has taken over editing Foreign Affairs after the death of E. D. Morel.
Swanwick drafts the resolutions to be presented to the Hague Women's Conference in December, seeking to revise treaties to insure international peace and cooperation.
Swanwick thanks Addams for Peace and Bread in Time of War and updates her on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's British Section and settlement activities in London.
Swanwick asks Addams to issue a statement supporting self-determination for Ireland on behalf of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
The authors report on a fact-finding trip organized by the Women's International League to report on condition in Ireland during its war of independence.
Balch updates the Committee on the status of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom newsletter, financial matters, and the League's goals, seeking opinions. Balch quotes from several incoming letters on these issues.
Swanwick advises Addams to ensure that when international committee members are named that the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace also seeks the approval of the national section.