The Committee discusses representation from belligerent countries, decides on holding offices in Amsterdam, fundraising, and the creation of an executive committee.
The International Congress of Women reports on their meetings with the political leaders of Europe, arguing that both neutral and belligerent governments are open to participating in a neutral conference aimed at ending the war.
The Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation outlines the procedures of the conference, including the selection of delegates and the involvement of the Ford Expedition.
A report of the work of the International Congress of Women and their plans to move forward by planning a conference of neutral nations to start negotiations to end World War I.
Schwimmer is insulted that White did not defend her when the Washington branch of the Woman's Peace Party discussed rumors that she was being made a paid officer of the Woman's Peace Party.
Schwimmer reports to Ford on the activities of the Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation and the creation of the International Committee for Immediate Mediation to achieve the goal of hastening the end of World War I. She also complains about the barriers Ford has set against meeting with her.
Schwimmer sends Addams lists and biographies of some of the International Congress of Women delegates and suggests they clarify the way that names are attached to countries.