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  • Creator is exactly "Phillips, John Sanborn"

Phillips sends Tarbell a copy of Addams's speech to the Playground Aid Association and discusses publishing portions of it.

Phillips is delighted that Addams will publish excerpts from Twenty Years at Hull House in the American Magazine.

Phillips discusses publishing Addams' manuscript in the American Magazine.

Phillips praises Addams' writing and solicits more articles from her for The American Magazine in the coming year.

Phillips sends Addams a final payment for her articles in The American Magazine, passes along some positive reviews, and asks her to send any upcoming speeches for publication in the magazine.

Philips asks Addams to visit him the next time she is in New York because he wishes to discuss a particular matter with her in person.

Phillips expresses his regret for not seeing Addams when she was in New York.

Phillips asks Addams to write a short piece about Louise de Koven Bowen for The American Magazine.