Nicholas Kelley papers


The major part of the Nicholas Kelley papers is correspondence: general, family and letterbooks. General correspondence, 1901-1958, has letters to and from friends, Harvard classmates, lawyers, business colleagues, employees, and associates in civic and social organizations. Family correspondence, 1898-1967, includes letters with his wife, Augusta Maverick Kelley, children, siblings, and members of the Lloyd and Maverick families. Letterbooks, 1920-1927, cover Kelley's service at the Treasury Dept. and personal matters. Topics covered in other papers are his student days at Harvard, alumni activities, early legal career, and voluntary activities on behalf of various legal and civic groups. Diaries, 1923-1964, are primarily appointment books. Also, Kelley's writings, financial papers, photographs, memorabilia, Maverick family documents, and unsorted papers.




Alternative Title

Nicholas Kelley papers

Documents in this collection


Addams writes in condolence and concern about Florence Kelley in the wake of Margaret Kelley's death.

Addams suggests people in France to whom she might introduce Kelley.

Addams writes Kelley about a belated wedding gift that she and Mary Smith have sent and sends good well wishes to her and her new husband.